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We Serve Clients Nationwide 1-800-243-4030

Woodland Cut Smooth Walnut Pricing Available Upon Request

With its incomparable, purple-tinged chocolate hues, our Woodland Cut walnut hardwood flooring will help you create an exceptional space of unparalleled style and refinement. This wide plank walnut flooring is manufactured without steaming to preserve light sapwood accents and create a natural, one-of-a-kind sheen.

Walnut’s strength and beauty will last a lifetime and beyond and is sure to be the main focus of any home or commercial space. Our Woodland Cut walnut flooring is made from the finest quality, tight-grained, slow-growth timbers.

We also offer a full line of STAIR PARTS and other ACCESSORIES for this flooring option. CLICK HERE to learn more about how we can provide treads, risers, nosing, vents and more to match your custom wide plank flooring.

Finish Options

Unfinished Woodland Cut Smooth Walnut
UV Natural Oil Prefinish Woodland Cut Smooth Walnut
UV Stanard Prefinish Woodland Cut Smooth Walnut


Wondering what’s so WONDERFUL about our Woodland Cut Floors?

  • Processed Replicating Early Pioneer Sawing Practices
  • Live-Sawn from Fully-Matured, Slow-Growth Trees
  • Features Multiple Grades of Lumber From Board to Board
  • Kiln-Dried to 6-8% Moisture Content Before Shipping
  • Wide Widths, Long Lengths & End-Matched
  • Available in Solid OR Engineered for the Same Price
  • Available Filled and/or Prefinished
  • Available with Matching Stair Parts & Vents
  • Hand-tallied and Bunked by Size
  • Hand-inspected over 10x before being packaged for delivery

Don't settle for anything less than the best! Our Woodland Cut flooring options are unsurpassed in beauty, quality and durability!

Request a Quote
  • Wide Plank Face Widths 3" to 12"
  • Wide Plank Lengths 2' and longer, up to 12'
  • Wide Plank Thickness Standard 3/4" (More Available)
  • Finish Unfinished or Prefinished
  • Milling Solid or Engineered

Wide Plank Flooring crafted the way they used to do it!

It's been said that they don't make them like they used to. If you have been floor shopping for any length of time now, you know this is often especially true with hardwood flooring. Most modern milling companies utilize only certain parts of the log so they can be sure that the hardwood that will sit on the shelf of one store will look identical to that sitting at another. But there was a time when milling had a simple goal: turn a log into planks, and use as much of the log as possible. Our Woodland Cut wide plank flooring is done "the way they used to do it!" We still believe in this time-honored practice, known as live-sawing, and we think you will agree that the results are breathtaking. Learn more here about our process for milling our Woodland Cut floors.

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